• One night when I was young, it was getting late so my parents said it was time for bed and that I needed to turn off the TV. I protested and grabbed the closest object, which was a small comb. I flung it across the room, and as fate would have it, the comb struck the TV on/off button (they were knoblike in those days), and it turned off the TV. My mom and dad saw the irony in this situation and got quite a kick out of it. I was thwarted by my own designs! And who would have thought something like that could happen? I could have tried to hit the on/off button from across the room at least a thousand times without succeeding — but I had done it without even aiming for it.
• About ten years ago while living in Albany, I inadvertently drove away from the gas pump while it was still pumping gas. When the attendant had handed me my card back, I wasn’t thinking straight, and I thought we were done. I heard someone yell to me, and I looked in my rearview mirror and could see gas gushing out of the hose. The attendant was nice to me afterward, and he said he’d need my card again to pump the rest.
• I’m a late bloomer of sorts. I didn’t own my first car until I was 33. I got married at 28, and my wife had a car for awhile, and we borrowed cars, and even went one year without a car when our oldest was first born.
• One morning in Utah after a heavy blanket of snow the night before, I went out to warm up the car to go to work, and the car was completely covered in a few inches of snow. I started it up, and then went back into our apartment while the car was getting warm. Then a few minutes later I came out to scrape the snow off the windows. I cleared off all the windows, and then I tried to open the door to the car, and it wouldn’t open. It was locked. But there was a good reason for that — it wasn’t our car. Our car was in front of that one, still warming up. It’s funny what things you don’t notice when you’re making assumptions.
• There is a period during the year when all eight of our children are odd-numbered ages at the same time (and then even-numbered the next year, of course). We covered all the approximate two-year periods from 1992 through 2008, except for 1998. Must’ve been something in the water then.
• Our oldest son is 846 days older than our second son, and our third son is 846 days older than our fourth son. It wasn’t really planned that way.
• We didn’t plan this either, but in our oldest child Amanda’s name, the last three letters contain the first three letters of our second oldest, Daniel’s name. But that’s only the start. If you take the last two letters of Amanda, Daniel, and Kelvin (our third oldest), they also contain all the letters of Daniel’s name.
• My youngest brother, Roy, who lives in southern California and is ten years younger than I am, was called to be an LDS bishop at age 29.
• We had two babies over 11 pounds, and two others over 10 pounds. I guess I can’t take a whole lot of credit for those. Including the rest of our kids, none of the births were Caesarian.
• This one’s pretty neat. When I left to go on my mission to Japan as an LDS missionary in 1981, our group flew from the Missionary Training Center in Utah to Los Angeles, and after a stopover, we departed for Japan. The 747 flew up the California coast for approximately 500 miles. I started noticing towns that looked familiar, a

• In high school at an exhibition wrestling match, I had my opponent in the takedown position, resting on top of his back, and then I suddenly blacked out. My coach later told me that I must’ve been unconscious for about ten seconds. The funny thing about it is, when I woke up, I was still on top! The coach who was refereeing said he almost called a penalty for inaction.
• I actually have a cousin who is precisely 1 year, 1 month, 1 day, 1 hour and 1 minute older than I am. Since seconds weren’t recorded, we like to surmise that it was 1 second also.
• About five years ago, I drove to Phoenix for baseball spring training and our online fantasy baseball league draft. While we were there, I was driving on the freeway in Phoenix going about 70, and from out of nowhere there was a stoppage up ahead in the lane I was in, which was the center lane of three lanes. The right-hand lane was closing up ahead, and cars were merging into the center lane. As soon as I saw it, I had no time to react, and immediately slammed on the brakes. We were about 200 feet behind the next car ahead, which was stopped. But then two more cars merged into the lane and stopped, and I thought we were going to hit them. If I’d had two more seconds, I could’ve checked the left lane to see if there was room to move over, but there was no time. So after skidding about 180 feet or so, we ended up maybe one foot from the other car’s rear bumper. My brother Roy and cousin John were in the car too. I thought for sure we weren’t going to have enough room to stop, and Roy said the same thing. The margin of error there was so slim, that in an available space of about 180 feet, that would mean we skidded 179 feet. Don’t try this at home. Or even in Phoenix.
• The basketball arena at Brigham Young University, the Marriott Center, has about 22,000 seats. When I was a freshman there in 1980, their system for distributing student football season tickets was for us to get in line outside the Marriott Center the night before, then they brought us all inside the arena and gave us a preliminary ticket for placement to pick up the real tickets. Then they had everyone stay inside and sleep up in the stands overnight. They woke us up first thing in the morning, we lined up in our spots, and then we got our tickets. So, I’ve had the rare privilege of sleeping inside the Marriott Center. I also walked onto the floor of the Marriott Center one time when no one else was in there. That was unusual, in that big, open place. I took the elevator from the ticket office and wanted to see where it went, and it went down to the main floor, and when it opened up, nobody was there.
• If each letter of the alphabet has a value of its placement in the alphabet, the name ‘Rusty’ has the highest known value for English names five letters or less. (103 points)
• One time we were playing a practice softball game while I was at BYU, and I hit a line drive over my brother Roy’s head in left field. As I approached 2nd base, my steps were messed up, and I realized that if I continued, I’d be stepping on the base with my left foot, which wouldn’t allow me to cut the corner effectively. So, just instinctively, I stepped again with my right foot. I took two steps in a row with my right foot without losing stride. I’m still not sure how I did it, but it happened without even consciously thinking about it. My second step hit the inside corner of the base perfectly, and I made it around to home just in time to elude the catcher.
• This one’s kind of neat, and I wonder how rare it is. I pushed a car two feet sideways by myself, and it was in park with the parking brake on with nobody inside it. One night at a party in Utah, there was ice on the ground, and a car was blocking my car in the parking lot. I figured I’d see if I could move it, because I needed about two more feet of clearance to get by, and after all, it was an economy car. I lifted from the bumpers and pushed it sideways, and it worked! I don’t even know why I thought of trying that, but I suppose you never know what you can do until you try.
• My wife caught a foul ball line drive during batting practice at a Seattle Mariners baseball game. The ball travelled about 350 feet in the air. She was holding her jean jacket in her hand, walking up the stairs away from the field, and I was about fifty feet away from her, down closer to the field. I yelled to her, “Here comes one!” She turned around and caught it against her hip, without a mitt.
• I caught a batting practice home run barehanded at Oakland Coliseum. It was hit by Bobby Grich of the Angels. There were about ten people around me, and I had to reach over the railing a little bit. It felt like somebody had tossed it from five feet away.
• When I was 10 years old, after General Conference in Salt Lake City, I followed the general authorities under the stand in the Tabernacle, and down near the tunnel I asked the prophet, Harold B. Lee, for his autograph. He was in a hurry, and he said, “Maybe next time.” Then he got in a cart, where he was driven down the long tunnel.
• Charles Barkley (the former basketball player) was signing autographs in the hotel lobby in Salt Lake City after a game, and I gave him my four-color Bic pen to sign my brother’s cap with, but then after signing it, he forgot it was my pen, and there were people all around him clamoring, and he couldn’t hear me, so after a few seconds, I just reached up and grabbed it out of his hand. It was my pen, after all.
• I had an unusual feeling when starting a game of Super Mastermind with a friend about twenty years ago. Super Mastermind has five spaces per row and eight colors. It was the first game we had played that day. While my friend was arranging the colors (hidden from me), for some reason I got a very distinct feeling that I could visualize the colors he was picking. I thought the feeling was rat

• Another experience was with my wife and dice about 15 years ago. I only wish we'd been in Vegas at the time (were I a gambler). I was sitting on the floor making a variation of the game Risk, and the board is there with five dice. I've been at it for about an hour, doing computations and setting up rules. She asks me how it works, and I explain some of the probabilities to her, and how it will work with five dice. I'm in the process of telling her that to roll five 6's is extremely remote — in fact I told her that it was 1 chance in 7,776 — and while I was telling her this, she picked up the five dice, shook them, and rolled five 6's on the first try... I've never been so dumbfounded mid-sentence as I was then. I just stared at her for a few seconds, and she got a big grin on her face after seeing my astonishment. I saw it with my own eyes. There was no trickery involved. The dice were just laying on the board in no particular pattern when she picked them up. My first thought was, "How did you do that?" And my second thought was, "How could you even know how you did that?" To put it in perspective, I explained to her that you could wake up every morning for 10 years and roll five dice, and chances are you would not get five 6's even once. In 21 years, odds are you'd do it just once. And the interesting part about it is she said she just "felt" it, which is why she wanted to pick up the dice and show me she could do it. We've never had such an event or attempt before or since. It was too uncanny. Those things aren't supposed to happen at will.
• In high school baseball while playing right field, I doubled a runner off first base after catching a line drive. But there were no fielders near first base, because the first basemen and pitcher had run over toward the third base line to back up a potential play, thinking the batter might get extra bases. The runner that had been on first was already over at third base, and so I knew I had a lot of time. With nobody at first base, I threw a long, soft grounder to the bag, and it got there a few seconds later, and the first baseman ran back to the bag and made it there when the ball got there. Thinking about it now, I could’ve had an unassisted double play from right field if I’d just trotted in and stepped on the base myself.
• Another time in high school baseball, I got hit by a pitch, but the umpire didn’t see me get hit. That is, until I turned and showed him the ball lodged between my arm and my rib cage. That was pretty conclusive evidence. So I’ve actually caught a pitch as a batter in a high school game.
• One day on Twitter a few months ago, totally out of the blue, I decided to do a member search, and for some reason, the name ‘Hermes’ came to me (I don’t know why). So I did a search on it and found 26 members with that in their names. Then a minute later I was over on the Everyone list to browse for other random members, and of the last 20 tweets posted on all of Twitter comprising up to a few million members, one of the people with Hermes in their name had just posted in the last few seconds. And nobody with Hermes in their name, including that person, had posted the previous five hours. Two completely independent events happening in conjunction. That is very bizarre. And it turns out it’s someone who lives within an hour of me, though I didn’t contact them.
• One time as a teenager I went to get in a two-door car we had, and I didn’t notice the seat was folded forward, and as I sat down, I ended up on the floor in the back seat. You just have to laugh at yourself when that happens.
• Several years ago, the apartment building we lived in had three sets of stairs leading up to three different pairs of apartments, and then there were also the same number of first floor apartments. Our apartment was on the second floor of the last set of stairs. The complex was in walking distance of the grocery store, and one night after getting groceries, I carried them up the stairs, and when I got to the top, I had to put the two containers of milk down so that I could have a free hand to open the door. I set the two jugs of milk down in front of the door, reached up and opened the door, grabbed the two jugs of milk and placed them on the floor just inside the door, and when I looked up I saw our neighbor standing at her sink, looking back at me from about ten feet away. I stopped dead in my tracks. Our eyes met, and then she just started laughing. I mumbled something like what Lurch on the Addams Family might say, as it was obvious what I had done, and I took the milks and shut the door. I had gone up the wrong stairs without noticing it. When I opened the door and looked up at my surroundings, it gave me the strangest feeling of disorientation. It was like I’d been transformed into another dimension, and for a split second my brain couldn’t understand why my environment wasn’t meeting with expectations. The lady later told my wife that I had the most surprised look on my face. They both had another good laugh over that one. I will never live that one down.
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